"The Glass Base"
Create a new white background, 400x120 pixels image.
Hit D to reset the color and do render cloud on it
Create a new layer, name it "glass base"
Choose rounded rectangle tool to create path with radius of 30 pixels

Right click inside the path and choose make selection.
Use default setting, i.e. Feather 0, Antialiased on, and new selection. then hit OK
Fill it with black or Alt+Backspace, then deselect it with Ctrl+D.
Duplicate the glass base layer and name it "blue cover"
Duplicate it again and name it "grey cover"
Hide the "blue cover" and "grey cover" by clicking on the eye icons on the left side of the layer thumbnails.
Right click on the "glass base" layer to choose blending options.
And here is the recipe for the glass base :

Set the blending layer of "glass base" to lighten, and you will get like this.

this was created by master of photoshop and my idol from digital industry his user name is Tjapan
Labels: Ecommerce Web Design, Flash Web Design, Web Design